Keelah Hurtz


Photo by Flat Track Photography and Imaging

Photo by Flat Track Photography and Imaging

                                             Photo by Flat Track Photography and Imaging
BIO:  Keelah loves to cook food, so it’s great that her teammates love to eat food. She is an electrician/Jill of all trades, which means she knows enough information to be dangerous. She loves to live outside of the box, try most anything at least twice, make new best friends and be with her family.
RANDOM FACT: She doesn’t like to be cold, so for her a cold toilet seat is the worst thing in the universe.
INFLUENCES: Demanda Riot for her searing intimidation factor, Scald Eagle for her strength and ferocity, Smarty Pants for her cool, almost stoic, teaching techniques.
BIGGEST SKATING MOMENT: That one time when she was the only member of her team on the track against a full lineup and she stopped the jammer twice within a half a track pass, which allowed enough time to get her teammates back on the track before the opposing jammer made her initial pass.


Photo by Flat Track Photography and Imaging


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